
Library books are all due back by Monday 5th December!

Trip to Corban Estate Art Centre - Rooms 22 & 23.

As part of our Social Studies Inquiry into 'Celebrations' we will be visiting C.E.A.C. on Wednesday 23 November.
Please return the permission slip asap!

Athletics Morning for the Year 4 - 6 classes.

This will now be on Tuesday 1st November, rather than Wednesday, due to weather forecast!
Running races will be held from approx 9.30 am on the bottom field.
All welcome to come and support our children!

R22 & 23 Assembly
Thursday 27th August at 2.15pm

We are very excited that we are going on a class trip to the Auckland Museum on Thursday 25th August! We are looking forward to sharing this experience with our friends in Room 23. Our goal is to observe and sketch some of the Maori art works and Taonga (treasures) on display. We will also have the opportunity to view a Maori cultural performance. We will need 4 parents from each class to help with supervision of children on this trip. Please return permission slips to our class as soon as possible to ensure that everyone can attend.

Speeches (Weeks 4 & 5).

All children are expected to have their speeches ready to share with our class this week. The preparation for this should be done as part of homework, but if any help is needed, please let me know. All children have been given the opportunity to choose a day to share their speech during this week and next week. Keep practising at home!


Rooms 22 and 23 will be participating in gymnastics sessions in the hall every week on Tuesday afternoon for 5 weeks, beginning on Tuesday 9th August. Please come along with suitable clothing on these days.

Thank you to the wonderful parents who have offered to help during our gymnastics sessions. We really appreciate it.

Learning conversations between parents/children are happening this week (1st - 5th August).  
Please sign in at:  Type in the code 48vkk and arrange a time to visit us!
Tuesday 2nd August (3.15pm - 5pm).
Wednesday 3rd August (2pm - 8.30pm).
Thursday 4th August (3.15pm - 5pm).

2pm - Early finish on Wednesday 3rd August!

*Remember that school finishes earlier on Wednesday 3rd August. Our class can be collected from the hall at 2pm. If your child is required to remain at school until 3pm, please email the school office: to inform them.

This term the Year 4 - 6 students will be writing their speeches at home and sharing these with their classes. Notices have been sent home this week with all the details.  Speeches need to be ready to share by Monday 15th August.

In the next 2 weeks we would like to start growing plants as part of our Science Inquiry.  We will need lots of clear plastic 1.5 litre soft drink bottles for this.  If you have some at home could you please bring them in?  Thank you.  :)

Mathethon Sponsorship forms and MOVIE + POPCORN AFTERNOON!
The class that brings back the greatest number of sponsorship forms/$ will win a Movie and popcorn afternoon!  Let's try to get all our forms back with the sponsorship money as soon as possible!  Room 22 can do it!

We are working extra hard in the next few weeks to brush up on our basic facts skills!  Please make sure you are practising your addition and subtraction up to 20.  Some of you will also be practising your multiplication facts for this too.

Parents - You are welcome to come and support your children at Long Bay regional park.  We will be leaving school around 9.10 am and returning before 12 noon.


Please make sure you are taking home all of your personal property (jerseys, shoes, lunch boxes, etc. after school each day.  This is your responsibility!  If not, these items will be put in the school's Lost Property box.  We are working hard to make our classroom a beautiful, clean and tidy place to learn in and need your help!

Cross Country 
Cross Country training began last week.  We will be training every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the school day.  Please remember to wear sensible shoes for running on those days.  Our Cross Country race will be held at Long Bay park on June 2nd.

Tomorrow (Thursday 31st March) we are all meeting at 8.15am down at the Waiake reserve (between Deep Creek & Beach Roads, by the Scout den/Water wise shed).  We will be walking in our class groups and as a whole school up the road and in to school.  This is so that all children can be part of walking to school (even if this is not usually part of their day).  We are also supporting the families that are part of the Walking School Bus scheme.  The teachers will also bring down any children who are at Fun Club in the morning.  See you all there at 8.15am!

We are assessing all children's swimming skills during our lesson times on Tuesday and Thursday this week and next week.  Please make sure togs and towels are still coming to school for this.  As the weather cools down, we will make a decision on whether we continue to swim on a day-by-day basis.

Please remember to leave your Spelling Notebooks in your book bag ready to add your new spelling list each week.  You will receive a new list of words to learn each week.  It is your responsibility to learn these words at home and be ready to be tested on the same day each week (each group will be tested on a different day).

These notebooks also have your device passwords and passwords for IXL glued into them, so they need to be at school EVERY day!

If you have lost your notebook, you will need to be organised with a new one before next Wednesday, please!

Goal Setting Learning Conversations:
Learning conversations will be held on Tuesday 8 March, Wednesday 9 March and Thursday 10 March.  It is really important that all children and parents make a time to come in to work together with the teacher to set/share goals for our student's learning.  If you didn't receive the notice, I have some spare copies.

Room 22 has swimming on Tuesday and Thursday each week. We will be swimming after morning tea.  Please bring togs, towel and a named bag to put things in.

Please remember to leave your Spelling Notebooks (the little red one) in your book bag ready to add your new spelling list each week.  You will receive a new list of words to learn each week.  It is your responsibility to learn these words at home and be ready to be tested on the same day each week (each group will be tested on a different day).

This group will be working with Mrs Buchanan and some of the other teachers.  They will meet every Thursday during lunchtime.  They will be involved in helping make our Torbay School environment a great place to work and play!  All welcome.

These groups met today for the first time (15/02/2016).  Many children from our class were enthusiastic about this. If your child is interested in joining, Mrs Hills will be working with these children every Monday afternoon from 1.30pm - 2pm.  The first week or two will be about trying both groups out, after that all children will need to choose which group they would prefer to join.

Mrs Hills and Ms Chambers will be coming in to Room 22 to help everyone who is using a school computer set up Google Drive.  All children who have bought in devices already have had help to get their Google Drive accounts up and running.

I am available between 8,30 - 8.50 am if you want to pop in and ask any questions or share your concerns.  Otherwise, please email me or leave a message with the office if you would like to make a time to meet after school.  I am available on Mondays, Thursdays or Fridays (but have meetings the other days after school).

Please remember that children should not be wearing any jewellery to school (stud earrings are fine), they should not be bringing any toys and the school has requested that children wear black footwear (but not jandals). Thanks for helping reinforce these rules, parents!

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